
New! Import bulk test questions

We are pleased to announce the latest update we have implemented that enables admins/instructors import and export test questions. You also have the ability to specify the options and correct answer for the questions in import file! Now you can easily create your tests using favourite spreadsheet editor (Such as MS Excel) and simply import them when you are done.You can also, export your existing tests, make modifications and then re-upload them.

On Test Question management page, there is now an 'Import Questions' button

Clicking this button brings up an option for importing the questions for a test from a csv file. A template is available for download.

You can also easily export the existing questions for a test. To do so, go to the page that lists all your Questions. Then click on the 'Export Questions' button

We hope this update makes managing your questions a lot easier.

02 Aug 2018

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