Great curriculum? Check. Helpful visuals? Got it. Experience with and excitement about educational technology? Check and check.Online course landing page? UhhErr
The latter item is one of the ingredients that are sometimes forgotten about or overlooked when designing an effective and interesting online course. But the landing page may be one of the most crucial pieces.
The course landing page is the first item that many prospective students will encounter when searching for information about your particular class or topic on an eLearning site or through a search engine. Viewers can receive an overview of what you and your class are all about and hopefully become excited or at least interested enough to click to sign up or learn additional details.
Its not necessarily easy to create the perfect balance of informative and persuasive text, but the extra effort pays off in terms of convincing viewers to want more, especially when visitors have so many choices and limited time.
So, how to work around it? Try these strategies for those wanting to make memorable and beautiful landing pages that also encourage click-throughs:
Forget about cheesy clip art from your Word or PowerPoint templates or similar pre-installed graphic files. Instead, put serious thought into what images sum up your class and what can create favorable impressions, either at a conscious or unconscious level.
Once their curiosity is engaged by your landing page, they mentally will be telling themselves that more fun and unexpected things are awaiting them if they check into the course.
Not much thought goes into a course name, but there are someaesthetics in contentthat can make people instantly interested or uninterested.
It also may be tempting to get punny, but humor can be sometimes difficult to understand by everyone, unless its clear that the fancy wordplay is deliberate, such as quotes or single quotes.
Youronline course landing pageshould begin with the basic title, but the description can provide more detail about what goes on. This is where you can have a little more room to wow your readers with words.
If youve impressed people with the content and images on youronline course landing page, nice job! Now, what? Seal the deal by explicitly telling readers what to do next If youre ready, click here. That will satisfy their urges that have already been elevated, and convince them that more good things are coming.
Dont worry about being pushy (to some extent) either our brains have become accustomed to hearing the pitch[]after learning about any commercial product or proposal, and well be confused if we dont. Getting to the call to action level is a reward in itself, but promises even greater things beyond this.
Its great to build up whats waiting for visitors on the other side of the click button with your good-looking landing page, but you also should be realistic. Youll achieve a detailed understanding of Algebra is much more honest of a claim that your wildest dreams will come true and your very world will be rocked. You also can incorporate some of the visual themes included in the landing page such as fonts, colors, and language into your course to remain consistent.
Overall, creating anticipation through a great looking landing page can go a long way towards helping people to decide to register for your online course. However, this is when your job becomes tougher. You need to deliver on the expectations of your audience. While the landing page of the course is your sales guy, your course is the actual product. Its content, structure, format, flow and supporting elements has a direct impact on the satisfaction level of your learners.
3-minute setup.