Click this button to purchase the self hosted version
You need a server that supports PHP >= 8.1 as well as MySQL/MariaDB. TrainEasy works perfectly on various types of hosting including shared hosting plans!
Do you need help installing TrainEasy on your server? We offer an installation service for $35. Please
pay here.
After payment, please fill our support form here. Ensure that you provide login details to your hosting server.
You can pay for your subscription using your Credit/Debit card or Bank transfer.
You do not need a domain name to use TrainEasy. We provide a free subdomain when you register (e.g. You can use this subdomain as long as you wish. If however you would like to use a custom domain name (e.g., you can configure it here
Yes. We will automatically renew your account using your previously used card information
Yes. You can easily cancel whenever you wish and you will not be billed anymore.
Plans are priced based on the total number of unique students that have enrolled for at least one session or course and have logged into their account within the last 30 days. If a student enrolls for multiple courses or sessions, it does not increase your 'active students' count.
3-minute setup.