
App Update: Enhanced Test Management features

We are pleased to announce that the testing feature on TrainEasy has just been given a major upgrade. Below are some of the new features

  1. Test visibility: Test can now be marked as private or public. Private tests are tests that are only available to students that are enrolled in sessions that specify the test as a requirement.
  2. Test Re usability: Hitherto, if you wanted to assign a test to  a session or course, you could only assign one test to one session/course. We have changed this now to allow you to assign a test to multiple sessions/courses. Also, tests can be assigned to sessions/courses on the Test Management section and the Session/Course management section.
  3. Test start and End Dates: When assigning tests to a session/course you can now optionally specify opening and closing dates for the test. Such tests will only be available to students during those dates. Additionally, students will receive reminders days before a test is scheduled to open.

We appreciate any feedback concerning these new features.

05 Feb 2018

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